Procurement of PVC-coated steel wire gabions for disaster prevention and search and rescue operations in 2022.


Procurement of PVC-coated steel wire gabions for disaster prevention and search and rescue operations in 2022.

Project Name: Procurement of PVC-coated steel wire gabions for disaster prevention and search and rescue in 2022.

Investors : Department for Roads I

Project scaleProcurement of 13,842 PVC-coated steel wire gabions of type (2x1x1) m.


  • Km218+300/QL2, Ha Giang province: 1,500 gabions
  • Km176+00/QL2, Tuyen Quang province: 1,000 gabions
  • Km121+650/QL70, Lao Cai province: 3,000 gabions
  • Km297+980/QL6, Son La province: 2,000 gabions
  • Km35/QL.279, Dien Bien province: 4,000 gabions
  • Km56+750/QL3, Thai Nguyen province: 842 gabions
  • Km165+500/Ql3, Bac Kan province: 1,500 gabions

SolutionProcurement of 13,842 PVC-coated steel wire gabions of type (2x1x1) m.

Standards and regulations for PVC-coated steel gabions apply:

  • Refer to the designs of gabions used in flood and storm response and traffic safety phase 1 approved by the General Department of Water Resources from 2012 to 2018 and Maccaferri’s Italian standards.
  • National Standard TCVN 10335:2014 “Rock gabions, rock mattresses and double twisted hexagonal wire mesh products for construction of waterway traffic works – Technical requirements”; TCVN 2053-1993 “Common galvanized steel wire”.
  • Current technical standards and regulations applied in the transportation and water resources sectors.
  • Basic standard: “Gravity stone gabion wall – Design, construction and acceptance requirements” TCCS13:2016/TCĐBVN.
  • Hexagonal double twisted mesh with mesh symbol (100×120)mm and nominal mesh size (102×135)mm.

Manufacturing requirements:

  • The hexagonal double twisted mesh is made from galvanized PVC-coated wire produced on a hexagonal double twisted mesh weaving line to form continuous mesh panels before gabion fabrication.
  • Mesh size: The mesh size (X,Y) is determined from the center of two consecutive twisted corners at right angles to the mesh axis. Hexagonal double twisted mesh with mesh symbol (100×120)mm and nominal mesh size (102×135)mm.
  • Permissible tolerance of mesh size: ± 5%.
  • PVC coating: using UV resistance test method.
  • The diameter of the mesh wire is measured by a micrometer with an accuracy of 0.01mm.
  • The coating is free of cracks, breaks and color changes.
  • The quality of the twists between the wires and the wire surface is inspected visually.
  • The mesh is twisted 3 times, mesh size (100×120)mm, tolerance ± 5%.
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